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  1. why i see my character without weapon and sheild?they are both in black text,he wears it but i dont show them
  2. its a problem in the english patch, a lot of players have the same problem.can u do something or we will change server?
  3. here u are.i think something is wrong in files.i have deleted all files and done that again,same problem.also the guy at live stream has the same problem. https://prnt.sc/py762k https://prnt.sc/py76s4
  4. is the exactly the same with the guy who makes livestream.look at him.he hits but weapon doesnt appear
  5. yes i have tried, it says me that 1st class is free but it doesnt have any option to press
  6. cant change class at class master, i cant press anything.anyone have the same problem?